2017年11月23日に「JANET FORUM 2017」を開催しました。
日 時: 2017年11月23日(木)
開催地 : フライブルク大学 Aula
企 画: 名古屋大学
共 催: フライブルク大学、日本学術振興会(JSPS)ボン研究連絡センター
プログラム | |
09:00 | Opening Remarks
09:15 | How to Enhance Student Mobility (Großer Saal) Prof. Yasuhiro Doi (Director, European Center of Nagoya University) Dr. Runako von Lübke (Vice-Director, European Center of Nagoya University)
10:00 | Coffee Break
10:15 | Possibilities of Double & Joint Degree between Japan and Europe (Großer Saal) Prof. Prof. Hideki Kasuya (Nagoya University) Presentation Kasuya (1.5 MB)
Prof. Björn-Ole Kamm (Kyoto University) Presentation Kamm (5.1 MB)
Prof. Toshiya Ueki (Executive Vice President, Tohoku University) Presentation Ueki (2.0 MB)
12:00 | Presentation by Japanese Universities and Information Booths (Haus zur lieben Hand)
14:00 | Research Collaboration: How is it Promoted and Supported by the University? (Großer Saal) Prof. Bernd Kortmann (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) Presentation Kortmann (1.5 MB)
Prof. Tsuyoshi Matsumoto (Nagoya University)
15:00 | Coffee Break
15:15 | Eucor - The European Campus: Cooperation in Research and Teaching in the Upper Rhine Region (Großer Saal) Prof. Hans-Jochen Schiewer (Rector, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) Presentation Schiewer (747 KB)
Prof. Winfried Römer (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) Presentation Römer (1.5 MB)
Prof. Tobias Schätz (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) Presentation Schätz (5.3 MB)
16:30 | Research Funds and Political Implementation for Research Japanese Senior Researchers
Dr. Sebastian Höpfner (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft) Presentation Höpfner (1.6 MB)
Prof. Nobuo Ueno (JSPS London) |
17:35 | JANET General Meeting |