zu „JSPS Abend 2011“

JSPS Quarterly No. 38, Winter 2011 (1,2 MB)
JSPS Abend Held in Bonn
Every year, the JSPS Bonn Office puts on the JSPS Abend, to which it invites representatives of JSPS’s partner and other organizations in Germany. The event is held to introduce JSPS’s programs and expand the office’s circle of German counterparts and affiliates. For the second year in a row, JSPS president Prof. Motoyuki Ono participated in the Abend, convened this time on 16 September at Hotel Bristol in Bonn, attended by some 70 people.
Following remarks from Prof. Ono, messages were delivered by Prof. Dr. Matthias Kleiner, president, German Research Foundation (DFG), Prof. Dr. Max Huber, vice-president, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and others. Highlighting the event was a Germany-Japan 150th anniversary lecture jointly delivered by Prof. Akira Baba, University of Tokyo, and Prof. Dr. Harald Meyer, University of Bonn, using the Trautz Collection of historical photographs of Japan stored at the university. These more than 1,000 photographs mainly taken during Meiji Japan had apparently been collected by Friedrich Max Trautz (1877-1952), who was the director of the Berlin-Japan Research Institute (Berliner Japaninstitut), and were recently discovered by Prof. Baba in the archives of the University of Bonn. Enhanced with these photographs, the lecture introduced various aspects of historical life and culture in Japan along with the early beginnings of Germany-Japan exchange.
In the latter half of the event, on behalf of Prof. Dr. Helmut Schwarz, president, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, AvH secretary general Dr. Enno Aufderheide presented Prof. Ono, who would soon be retiring as president of JSPS, with a medal conferred on those who have made special contributions to the Foundation and its programs.
JSPS Bonn Office