zum Symposium „Frontiers of Cancer Research“
zur Symposiums-Seite Frontiers of Cancer Research

JSPS Quarterly No. 16, Summer 2006 (47 KB)
Eleventh Japanese-German Symposium "Frontiers of Cancer Research" and General Meeting of JSPS Club
Held in regions around Germany, Japanese-German Symposia are coorganized each year by the JSPS Bonn Office and the German JSPS alumni association, JSPS Club, for the purpose of introducing leading-edge research being conducted in the subject field in Japan and Germany and promoting mutual understanding and research cooperation between the two countries. This year, the 2-day symposium was held on 21-22 April in the conference room of Ringhotel Munte am Stadtwald (hotel) in Bremen. This symposium on the "Frontiers of Cancer Research" focused on three topics: basic research, epidemiology, and societal relationship and future prospects.
In prelude to the presentations, JSPS Bonn Office director Prof. Yasuo Tanaka delivered opening remarks, followed by congratulatory messages from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) secretary general Dr. Georg Schütte and Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft zu Bremen e.V. president Dr. Wolfgang Haas. JSPS Club chair Prof. Dr. Heinrich Menkhaus, then, thanked everybody for their participation and cooperation. Attendance at the symposium totaled about 230 including JSPS Club members, other former JSPS fellows from around Germany, and staffs of AvH, German Research Foundation (DFG), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and other JSPS counterpart agencies.
All the presentations were delivered in such a way as to articulate sophisticated content in an easy-to-understand manner. Of particularly high interest were three Japanese presentations on the relationship between DNA, aging and cancer with mention of the 19th century painter Taikan Yokoyama; culture, eating habits and cancer prevention; and "patient-first" team medical care with reference to (the 6th century) Prince Shotoku's "spirit of harmony" principle.
After the end of the first day's program, a buffet-style dinner was held at the historical Ratskeller restaurant beneath the UNESCO World Heritage town hall of Bremen. Following a piano recital by former Humboldt fellow Ms. Mariko Mitsuyu, Mr. Akira Mizutani, Minister, Japanese Embassy in Germany, offered a toast to the further development of Japan-Germany exchange.
Following the symposium on the second day, an annual General Meeting of the JSPS Club was held to discuss and plan the new fiscal year's activities and next year's symposium.
For the speakers' CVs and abstracts, please see this page.
JSPS Bonn Office