Quantum Optics
1st Annual German-Japanese Colloquium
Jointly organised by:JSPS and MPG
Date: February 9–11, 2004
Venue: Wildbad Kreuth
February 9th | |
14:00 | Welcome H. Walther, K. Iga, Y. Yamamoto |
14:30 | Silica Microspheres for Single-Atom Detectionin Microchip Traps R. Long |
15:00 | Controlled Generation of Single Photons in a High-Finesse Optical Cavity M. Hennrich |
15:30 | Cavity QED with Trapped Ions W. Lange |
16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:30 | Entanglement Distillation – Explicit and Implicit Use M. Koashi |
17:00 | Entangled Atoms from Dissociating Molecules T. Walther |
17:30 | Generation of Entangled Photons from a Semiconductor K. Edamatsu |
February 10th | |
09:00 | Distinguishing Genuine Entangled Two-Photon-Polarization States S. Takeuchi |
09:30 | Quantum Communication with Intense Light Pulses and Solitons N. Lütkenhaus |
10:00 | Multi-Photon Interferometry H. Weinfurter |
10:30 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | Realization of a Quantum Register with Single Neutral Atoms in an Optical Dipole Trap A. Rauschenbeutel |
11:30 | New Concepts of Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions Ch. Wunderlich |
12:00 | Collective Atomic Motion in a Resonator Dipole Trap C. Zimmermann |
12:30 | Lunch |
14:00 | Ultra Slow Propagation of Squeezed Vacuum by Using Electro-Magnetically Induced Transparency M. Kozuma |
14:30 | Small Scale Quantum Computing for Quantum Communication: from Theory to Experiment M. Sasaki |
15:00 | Entanglement Theory for Gaussian States M. Wolf |
15:30 | Coffee Break |
16:00 | Multiplexed Quantum Cryptography with Photons from Single Quantum Dots O. Benson |
16:30 | Quantum Dots, Nanocrystals, and Microsphere Resonators. New Tools for Quantum Optics and Nanophotonics S. Götzinger |
17:00 | Spin Qubits with Quantum Dots S. Tarucha |
17:30 | MPG-JSPS Cooperation B. Neizert, K. Iga |
February 11th | |
09:00 | Factoring Numbers Using Gauss Sums W. Schleich |
09:30 | Atomic Quantum Systems in Optical Micro-Structures G. Birkl |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10:30 | Seeking for Entanglement in NMR Quantum Information Processing Experiments M. Kitagawa |
11:00 | Ultrastable Optical Clock with Neutral Atoms in an Engineered Light Shift Trap H. Katori |
11:30 | Single Ion Frequency Standards J. v. Zanthier |
12:00 | Femtosecond Metrology T. Udem |
12:30 | Lunch |
14:00 | BEC of Excitons Y. Yamamoto |
14:30 | Quantum Phase Transition of BECs in Low Dimensions M. Ueda |
15:00 | Coffee Break |
15:30 | Multi-Component Quantum Gases – Magnetism and Further Developments K. Bongs |
16:00 | Ultracold Dipolar Gases T. Pfau |
16:30 | Final Discussion |