Food Science and Society
15th Japanese-German Symposium and 1st Joint Forum of the German and French JSPS Alumni Associations, JSPS Bonn and Strasbourg Offices
jointly organized by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Deutsche Gesellschaft der JSPS-Stipendiaten e.V. and l'Association des anciens boursiers francophones de la JSPS
May 21–22, 2010 in Strasbourg
PROGRAMMay 21, 2010 | |
10:00 | Visit of Strasbourg Cathedral |
11:30 | Registration at University of Strasbourg, Inst. of Chemistry |
13:30 | Welcoming Remarks
1st SESSION Chair: Dr. Reiko Oda , Dr. Daisy Rotzoll | |
14:15 | Social Perceptions and Attitude Towards Corpulent Children and Adolescents Prof. Dr. Eva Barlösius (Hannover University, Institute of Sociology)
Abstract Barlösius (19 KB)
14:55 | Food Palatability and Its Cognition Prof. Dr. Takumi Misaka, Prof. Dr. Keiko Abe (Tokyo University, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
Abstract Mikasa/Abe (25 KB)
15:35 | Multiple Influences on the Transmission of Food Preferences: From Biology to Culture Dr. Benoit Schaal (Director of Centre Européen des Sciences du Goût, Dijon)
Abstract Schaal (18 KB)
2nd SESSION Chair: Dr. Marie-Aleth Lacaille-Dubois, Prof. Dr. Andreas Schlachetzki | |
16:45 | Preventive Aspects of Food Use Prof. Dr. Heiner Boeing (German Institute of Human Nutrition DIfE, Dept. of Epidemiology)
Abstract Boeing (21 KB)
17:25 | Crop Improvement by Genome Design for World Food Security Prof. Dr. Motoyuki Ashikari (Nagoya University, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences)
Abstract Ashikari (23 KB)
18:30 | Leaving for banquet reception
19:30 | Banquet reception at Palais Universitaire, University of Strasbourg
May 22, 2010 | |
08:30 | Registration
3rd SESSION Chair: Dr. David Boilley, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Fritsch | |
09:00 | Food Philosophy – A Phenomenological and an Ethical Approach Dr. Harald Lemke (Lüneburg University, Instiute for Cultural Studies), Prof. Dr. Tadashi Ogawa (University of Human Environments, Okazaki)
Abstract Lemke/Ogawa (24 KB)
09:50 | Alsace Terroirs and Wines Dr. Claude Sittler (Honorary Director of Research of CNRS, University of Strasbourg)
Abstract Sittler (15,8 KB)
10:30 | Coffee Break
4th SESSION Chair: Dr. Anne-Lise Poquet-Dhimane, Dr. Gernot Beisler, Prof. Dr. Nobuji Nakatani | |
10:45 | Amazing Potential of Foods to Keep us Healthy Prof. Dr. Makoto Shimizu (Tokyo University, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
Abstract Shimizu (20 KB)
11:25 | Note by Note Cooking: Dialogue Between Science and Art Dr. Hervé This (Directeur Scientifique de la Fondation Science & Culture Alimentaire Académie des sciences, INRA/AgroParisTech), Mr. Hubert Maetz, Chef of Restaurant Rosenmeer, Rosheim, Ms. Aline Kuentz, Cuisine Aptitude
Abstract This (36 KB)
12:20 | Closing Remarks
12:30 | Lunch |
14:30 | Tour 1: sightseeing boat Strasbourg |
14:00 | General Assembly Deutsche Gesellschaft der JSPS-Stipendiaten e.V. |
16:00 | Tour 2: sightseeing boat Strasbourg (for participants of Annual Assembly) |
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