Evolutionary Genomics
5th Annual German-Japanese Colloquium
Jointly organized by:JSPS and Düsseldorf University
Date: March 8-10, 2009
Venue: Bad Honnef
March 8th | |
18:00 | Reception Restaurant Palmengarten, Seminaris Hotel
March 9th | |
09:00 | Introductory remarks Prof. Dr. William F. Martin (Düsseldorf University) and Prof. Dr. Naruya Saitō (National Institute of Genetics, Mishima)
09:15 | Toward a systematic approach to microbial genome comparison: Identification of genomic core among moderately related genomes Dr. Ikuo Uchiyama (National Institute for Basic Biology) Abstract Uchiyama (36 KB)
09:45 | Towards an understanding of bacterial speciation Prof. Dr. Jörg Overmann (Munich University) Abstract Overmann (36KB)
10:15 | Untangling microbial communities through their DNA – from oceans to the human body Dr. Jeroen Raes (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg) Abstract Raes (40 KB)
10:45 | Coffee break
11:00 | Evolution of molecular networks Prof. Dr. Martin J. Lercher (Düsseldorf University) Abstract Lercher (152 KB)
11:30 | Evolution of duplicated genes under the effect of gene conversion Dr. Kosuke Teshima (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Hayama) Abstract Teshima (52 KB)
12:00 | Modular networks and cumulative impact of lateral transfer in prokaryote genome evolution Dr. Tan Dagan (Düsseldorf University) Abstract Dagan (32 KB)
12:30 | Lunch
14:00 | The power of gene duplications: how the orchid got its lip Prof. Dr. Günter Theissen (Jena University) Abstract Theissen (40 KB)
14:30 | Evolution of developmental regulatory system in plants based on large scale phylogenetic analyses utilizing whole genome shotgun sequence data Dr. Tomoaki Nishiyama (Kanazawa University) Abstract Nishiyama (32 KB)
15:00 | Genes and their phenotypes in Drosophila Dr. Aya Takahashi (National Institute of Genetics, Mishima) Abstract Takahashi (32 KB)
15:30 | Analysis of recent gene duplication and conversion in the Drosophila melanogaster genome Dr. Noaki Osada (National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Osaka) Abstract Osada (32 KB)
16:00 | Coffee break
16:15 | Are microsporidia really derived sexual fungi? Dr. Ingo Ebersberger (Center for Integrative Bioinformatics, Vienna) Abstract Ebersberger (32 KB)
16:45 | The evolution of isochore genome compartments Dr. Satoshi Ōta (RIKEN Bioresource Center, Tsukuba) Abstract Ōta (32 KB)
17:15 | The supragenome and the world of non-coding RNAs in cyanobacteria Prof. Dr. Wolfgang R. Hess (Freiburg University) Abstract Hess (36 KB)
17:45 | Genomics of phototrophic protists: Communication between compartments and the extracellular/intracellular transition Franziska Hempel (Marburg University) and Prof. Dr. Uwe Maier (Marburg University) Abstract Hempel (32 KB)
Abstract Maier (28 KB)
19:00 | Dinner
March 10th | |
08:30 | Evolution of primate-specific and mammalian-specific highly concerved non-coding genomic region Prof. Dr. Naruya Saitō (National Institute of Genetics, Mishima) Abstract Saitō (28 KB)
09:00 | Populations genetics of the X-chromosome and the autosomes in Drosophila melanogaster: Comparing patterns of SNP diversity and gene expression Dr. Stephan Hutter (Munich University) Abstract Hutter (32 KB)
09:30 | Multiple genome comparison within a species reveals a unit of evolution spanning two ORFs in tandem paralog clusters Takeshi Tsuru (University of Tokyo) Abstract Tsuru (40 KB)
10:00 | Coffee break
10:30 | Evolutionary dynamics of ”functional“ processed pseudogenes that stabilize Makorin1 mRNAs in mammals Dr. Satoko Kaneko (Ochanomizu University, Tokyo) Abstract Kaneko (28 KB)
11:00 | Comparative genomics of the mammalian Y chromosomes Dr. Yoko Kuroki (RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Yokohama) Abstract Kuroki (28 KB)
11:30 | Primate Transcriptome Evolution at the Cellular Level Dr. Thomas Giger (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig) Abstract Giger (32 KB)
12:00 | Lunch
13:30 | Another view of sequence evolution Prof. Dr. Arndt von Haeseler (Center for Integrative Bioinformatics, Vienna) Abstract von Haeseler (192 KB)
14:00 | Genome evolution in wild house mice Dr. Meike Teschke (Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön) Abstract Teschke (32 KB)
14:30 | Neutral non-equilibrium population genetics: a case study in wild tomatoes Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stephan (Munich University) Abstact Stephan (68 KB)
15:00 | Coffee break |
15:30 | Summary, perspectives, wrap-up |
19:00 | Dinner |